After being initiated in 2019, Samudera Indonesia Maritime and Logistics Training Center (SIMLI) is increasingly trusted to provide training related to the shipping and logistics industry. This time, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) asked SIMLI to share insights and experiences.
This training began with the need for EMCL to gain knowledge regarding the type of ex-works delivery to the EMCL warehouse. The conditions are motivated by several needs, including:
During this time the procurement of spare parts is sent by the shipper to a certain port, then shipping to the warehouse is done by other vendors, so the costs incurred for the procurement of these spare parts become less efficient.
The level of understanding of the process of arranging direct shipments to the EMCL warehouse is not fully known by the procurement department
SIMLI and PT Silkargo Indonesia also collaborate to fulfill this request.
The training was held on March 3, 2020, at Wisma GKBI 28th Floor, Jakarta. Facilitated by two Samudera Indonesia practitioners, Mr. Anwar Ridwan (Branch Head of PT Silkargo Indonesia Jakarta) and Mr. Fian Indiyawanto (Managing Director of PT Samudera Tangguh Logistik). The lessons presented by the facilitators focused on four points that were deemed necessary, such us: Logistics and Transportation Business, Cargo Handling Preparation, Incoterms and L/C arrangements, Customs Rules and Documents Arrangement, Mode and Transportation. The participants came from the procurement department of EMCL who worked in the Jakarta area and the Factory in Cepu.
The classroom atmosphere was very effective because the participants seemed active and enthusiastic in asking and commenting. Interestingly during the presentation, the facilitator not only packs the training in the form of presentations and discussions but also provides examples of case studies based on experiences in working on projects related to the material. The training activity was closed by distributing certificates for participants and also a group photo session.