Education is one of the focus of corporate social responsibility in Samudera Indonesia. This concern was externalized by Samudera Indonesia by supporting Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) team at the Hydrocontest 2018 event as the main sponsor.
This sponsorship was conveyed through Samudera Indonesia Peduli as part of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in education sector.
Hydrocontest is an international student competition dedicated for energy efficiency of sea transportation. In this competition, students were challenged to present their ideas of design and operation efficiency. Hydrocontest 2018 was held on September 2-10, 2018 in Saint-Tropez, France.
On August 24, ITS Hydrone Team launched a fast ship named Wisanggeni. This ship has been built with 36 volt battery system, 60 amperes. Wisanggeni has also been tested by carrying a load of 20 kg through 19 laps for 3.8 kilometers distance. The speed reached 4.3 meters per second. Through this support, Samudera Indonesia hopes the young generation could exhibit their best creation through improvements in technology innovation, especially sea transportation.
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