

To comply with Article 12 paragraph 4 Articles of Association of the Company juncto Article 14 paragraph (1) Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 15/POJK.04/2020 concerning Planning And Convening General Meetings of Shareholders of Public Company (“POJK 15/2020”), the Company hereby announces to the Shareholders that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) will be convened on Wednesday, dated the 26th June, 2024 located at The St. Regis Jakarta, Rajawali Place, Astor Ballroom, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok Kav. B/4 Setiabudi, South Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12920.

The invitation and agenda of the AGMS will be announced in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company, on Tuesday, dated 4th June 2024.

Pursuant to Article 23 paragraph (2) POJK 15/2020, the Shareholders who are eligble to attend the AGMS are those whose names are listed in the Company’s Shareholders Register 1 (one) business day prior to the Invitation of the AGMS or on Monday, dated the 3rd June, 2024 until 4 PM at the Company’s Securities Administration Bureau, namely PT Sharestar Indonesia and/or at the collective custody in PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia at the closing of trading day of the Company’s shares at Indonesian Stock Exchange on Monday, dated the 3rd June, 2024.

In regards to comply with the provision of Article 27 POJK 15/2020, the Company provides conventional authorisation facility that can be downloaded through the Company’s website ( or altenative electronic authorisation being provided by PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (eASY.KSEI). The Company also advises the shareholders to delegate its authorisation to the Company’s Securities Administration Bureau PT Sharestar Indonesia represented by Mrs. Rosni as the Proxy.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 16 POJK 15/2020, Shareholder(s) who can propose the agenda of the meeting is Shareholder(s) who represent 1/20 (one twentieth) or more of all shares with voting rights and such written proposal has to be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Company at the latest 7 (seven) days prior to the Invitation of the Meeting or at the latest by Friday, dated the 24th May, 2024.


Jakarta, 20th May, 2024
Board of Directors

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