So far, the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended. To suppress the increasing number of cases, the government's efforts to administer the COVID-19 vaccine have begun. The Indonesian government also recommends that all people get the vaccine. PT Masaji Kargosentra Tama (MKT), which is one of Samudera Indonesia's entities, fully supports the COVID-19 vaccination program and cooperates in the vaccine distribution process.
MKT on June 11, 2021, was appointed in the process of handling and storing the Sinopharm Gotong-Royong vaccine. The Sinopharm vaccine comes from the Sinopharm factory in China and is imported directly from China using air transportation. After going through the shipping process from China, the vaccine is transported from the airport and stored using a cold storage facility at Adib Cold Logistics (ACL).
Launching the explanation from the World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinopharm is an inactivated vaccine type called the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (vero cell) in other words, the vaccine uses inactivated virus particles to expose the immune system to the virus, without take the risk of a serious disease response.
In the process of handling and storing the vaccine, there are 26 vaccine storage boxes with a total volume of 1 million doses in the first vaccine shipment that enters the ACL. Until now, the total arrival of Sinopharm vaccine to ACL facilities that have been handled by MKT has reached 7.5 million doses.
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