PT Masaji Prayasa Cargo Succeeded in Transporting Heaviest and Longest Cargo

In April and March 2020, PT Masaji Prayasa Cargo successfully transported the heaviest and the longest cargo in the company's history. This is the first opportunity since MPC was established to be able to transport cargo weighing 585 tons and also cargo with a length of almost 54 meters. Our customer entrusted the cargo to be handled by MPC in a project in Cilegon.

This 585-ton cargo handling scheme was started out by receiving cargo from the mother vessel using the Ship to Ship method onto the Barge. Then proceed with the roll off method from the Barge to the Storage Yard. And finally, being transported to the Jobsite. Meanwhile the longest cargo with dimensions of 53.3 x 4.1 x 4.1 m was handled by receiving cargo by ex-tackle liner method and carried out using a multiaxles configuration of 12 axles with powerpack + 12 meters lowframe + 10 axles. The transport activity itself is carried out from the Port of Ciwandan to the jobsite, as far as 4.8 km.

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