Indonesia, with two-thirds of its territory water, presents a quite difficult logistical challenge. Although Indonesia is rich in natural resources, it is not followed by the availability of suitable means of transportation. With the form of an archipelago, logistics costs are not cheap.

Looking at this reality, Samudera Indonesia together with the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) and Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is collaborating to create an innovation in the form of a more efficient LNG carrier. Hopefully, this innovation can be impactful to generate more competitive and affordable logistics costs for LNG transportation.

With more than 65 years of experience in the shipping industry, Samudera Indonesia will provide support in terms of setting competency standards for crews, preparing standard operating procedures for commercial ships' operation to meet health and safety standards, as well as preparing ship maintenance and management modules.

The signing of the MoU by Samudera Indonesia was represented by the President Director, Bani M. Mulia on Monday (8/3) at the BPPT Head Office. "In addition to being the nation's pride, this ship will certainly be the proper solution for logistics conditions in Indonesia and can be deployed quickly without waiting for the construction of other infrastructures such as ports, docks, and storage," said Bani.

"The main focus of this ship construction is to achieve competitive and affordable distribution costs so that alternative energy such as LNG can be utilized by people in remote parts of Indonesia," he added. 

Currently, the prototype ship design is in the process of approval by the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI). The estimated time requires for construction and supervision is 16 months and it will be tested through the operational and implementation stages.


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