SISMan has been developing a pool of competent crews over the years. More than 1,000 seafarers are available in our database. These English-speaking Indonesian seamen are well trained and fit to be assigned to any routes of operated tanker, containers, gas carriers, general cargo, and offshore support vessels.

Our Marine and Personnel Department performs all the crew management services: recruitment, rotation, training, briefing-debriefing, crew payroll, tax handling, sign-on/off, medical check- up, certification, and mobilization.

Each crew in our personnel pool has passed our qualification and experience requirement along with valid documents.

SISMan is audited and certified by NK Class for the Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Services based on the latest MLC 2006 requirements. We are also audited and certified by Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut for the SIUPPAK (Surat Ijin Usaha Perekrutan dan Penempatan Awak Kapal) as required by government.