At a Glance

PT Samudera Indonesia Ship Management (SISM) incorporated in 1992 to support shipping activities by providing professional, efficient and added value in a form of competitive advantage or the customers. SISM is a merger from the several ship management divisions in numerous shipping business units in Samudera Indonesia.


SISM is also supported by highly competent people and a team of expertise to operate the ships safely and to meet national and international requirements according to market needs, as well as best practices in ship management.


To become a reliable strategic partner in ship management services in region.


Add value to customer’s business and assets with excellent ship management services in order to achieve positive business growth.


Respect partnership & community
Deliver the best for customers
Value people
Work with integrity
Encourage innovation

Quality and Management System

  • Safety Management System (ISM Code), Document of Compliance (DOC) Indonesia & Singapore
  • Quality Management System ISO 9001 (NK)
  • Security Management System ISPS Code (NK)
  • Environmental Management System ISO 14001 (NK)
  • Occupational Health and Safety ISO 45001 (NK)
  • DNV-GL ECO Insight Fleet performance management
  • MLC 2006 Certified Company; Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Services Certificates (NK)
  • Shipboard Energy Efficiency Management
  • TMSA, OVMSA, and OVID 
  • ABS NS Computer-based Maintenance System
  • Integrated Ship Management System (ISMS) 
  • Cyber Security Management System




  • Joint Venture with Denholm Ship Management
  • 1st SIRE Approval

Implementing ISM Code & ISO 9001


Split from Denholm Ship Management


Implementing ISPS Code


Adopting TMSA